Friday, November 19, 2010

The CrossFit Journal: GET A SUBSCIPTION!!!!

Just so everyone knows, aside from, there is an online crossfit journal. If you log on to go to the left side of the page and click on crossfit journal. It only costs like $25 a year for a subscription and it is worth much more than that in good info. There is endless videos to watch, articles to read, coaching from the best coaches in the world wide crossfit community and much more. I would highly suggest getting a subscription. I look at the journal almost every day and there is always new stuff to look at.


  1. hey gabe how do i post a work out?

  2. I have to add you as an administrator. You should have had an invite in your email already but I'll send another one.

  3. send my your email in a message on my profile on here. I'll add you again
