Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I know, everyone could probably say this in their sleep...

21-15-9 reps of:

Thrusters (95#/65#)


  1. Holly - 11:03 (Rx)

    I know, it took forever... But hey! I did it :)

  2. You're my hero. Friggin awesome Holly

  3. I just want to say thank you for posting this wod I forgot about it I did this wod before my 5k I ran on thanksgiving my Fran time was 5:23. I want to know is 95 the right weight for the thrusters ?

  4. First of all, RJ nice time on FRAN bro! Its a wod that always makes me nervous before I start it. Anyway, yes 95 lbs is the Rx'd weight for men and 65 lbs is the Rx'd for women. Hopefully one of these days, the boys from the North and the South can get together for a wod.

  5. Yeah man i plan on doing a wod when I come up to go snowboarding I'm trying to get some of the other south crossfiters to come as well
