Sunday, December 12, 2010


found this on the board at the gym. tried it after a max work out.

5 rounds
22 kbs 55 lb
22 box jumps
400m run
22 burbees
22 wall balls 20lb

ohio- 48:17

i was disappointed with my time, and had a little gas left in the tank, so i did 2 more rounds and 55 sit-up.


  1. Looks like a solid wod bro. I feel the same way sometimes. But nice work on the extra rounds.

  2. Allie and I did this today with a 500 m row in place of the run. She had 46:46 and I had 48:33. Ohio, I don't know where you found the energy to throw in 2 extra rounds. This was torture enough on its own!!
