Wednesday, December 22, 2010

time off and diet

As I've come further along with Crossfit and the semi-organic/raw diet, I've noticed a few things. First of all, I notice that time off of doesnt kill me that bad upon return IF I maintain a solid diet. Its when I go back to eating shit like chips and cookies and processed foods that I get wrecked and feel terrible. The reason for this post is that I highly recommend to everyone going to the website and try implementing that style of eating bit by bit until it becomes the main way of eating in your everyday life. I always used to think I could basically eat whatever I wanted and as long as I trained hard enough, I would get the desired results. THIS IS 100% NOT TRUE!! Not only does my body "complain" to me after I eat foods that are processed or high in artificial sugars or saturated fats, but my workouts suffer as well. I seem to drag ass when the diet is not in good form. These last two days have produced less than "good enough" output and I know exactly why.

So for all of you guys trying to get to that "next level" in your training, do yourself a huge favor and check out the website. As with hard work and dedication, the same goes for diet... What you put in is what you will get out. If its not 100% quality, you wont get 100% out of yourself no matter how hard you "try".

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