When I first became involved in CrossFit, I was the only one I knew about it save for Ryan Toomey. It was new to me, exciting, challenging, a whole different style of training and thinking overall. It’s been two years since I have started molding my life to the CrossFit lifestyle (training, diet, attitude etc) and along with everything that gets to become more popular, there are the haters out there against it. Inevitably, there will be people that tell you that CrossFit is a joke, that it is dangerous, that it will get you hurt, that it isn’t really a good way to become fit over a broad spectrum, etc etc etc... Bullshit. I just got done having a debate with some triathletes on facebook (I know ridiculous right?)about the effectiveness of the CrossFit method. The basic premise was as it usually is; they claim that we don’t have cardiovascular endurance and that we can’t keep up with them on runs, rides, or swims. Well, at first glance, we may not be AS GOOD of runners or cyclists, or swimmers. HOWEVER, take a triathlete out of his/her 3 event comfort zone and make them carry a 400lb wheelbarrow, or do max pull-ups, or kettlebell swings, or push press, or overhead walking lunges etc etc etc. Or better yet, have them do all of those AND THEN throw them on a bike or have them run or swim and then see how WELL they perform!! You'll probably see that they go limp like a 75 year old man without his Viagra. The point is, we have a greater work capacity over much more broad time and modal domains. They have capacity in 3. This is due to a lack of variety of training domains. And not just Triathletes, any single/double/or triple modality sport is usually limited by "sport specific training". I have firsthand experience with this being that I was at one time, an up and coming professional level tennis player. I was in DAMN good shape, or so I thought. I had what it took and trained to play tennis effectively anyway. But once I was taken out of my comfort zones, I flopped around like a fish out of water. I didn’t know this at the time but this was a HUGE red flag as to how effective my style of training was on an OVERALL scale at that time. I didn’t realize back then that I was only good for working in a few specific domains of physical output. But I really didn’t start caring until I would do things with friends like snowboarding or swimming etc, and I didn’t seem to have the same output ability as they did in some specific activities. In my mind, I knew I was strong but something was missing, until CrossFit.
Ok, on to the next point of contention: you'll have people tell you that CrossFit is dangerous? Hmmm, really? Strengthening every day, functional movements is dangerous? For one, they are probably uneducated in the study of Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology. But let’s just say for shits and giggles that you're talking to a doctor who is telling you this. First of all, many doctors don’t know shit about exercise and most are very out of shape. However, this doesn’t discount their vast knowledge of medicine or health in general. People come in to doctors all the time with sports or exercise related injuries. This tells them one thing; people are getting hurt lifting or whatever they are doing in the gym. What it doesn’t tell them is that the person was more than likely doing the movement wrong. Regardless, you can explain to the naysayer that doing the movements in question with proper form and technique is VERY safe. It is what our bodies are DESIGNED to do. Now take any movement and execute it with poor form and technique and you are asking for injuries especially as load increases.
But no matter what the argument is that is brought up, you can always say that you train this way so that you can Increase your Work Capacity over Broad Time and Modal Domains. Simply put, you are training to be able to do anything that is demanded of your body so that you will be fit to take on the challenges of everyday life. Whether the work is quick and intense or long and intense or anything in between, CrossFit is designed to prepare you for ANYTHING! ***(as long as you vary your training constantly)
I just had to post this because I didn’t want any of you to be unarmed when the naysayers strike. It sucks not being able to articulate an argument, especially when you know the other person is incorrect.