The worst enemy you'll ever have in a WOD is not a barbell. It's not a pull-up bar, kettle bells, a box, GHD, rings, or jump rope. It's not a completely parched mouth or torn up hands. It's not the sweat burning your eyes or your failing grip. No, it’s not any of these things.
The worst enemy you'll ever have in a WOD is not any outside influence at all. The worst enemy lives inside your head. It breaths words of discouragement into your ear. "I'm just so tired... I can't keep up this pace... I have to drop the bar... I don't feel well... I can't breathe... This is just too much... I can't do this..."
This enemy is small but has the power to completely destroy you and your WOD time. It can leave you frustrated and dissatisfied once your workout is completed. It has the influence to make you wonder how much better you COULD have done if you would have gone just a little bit harder...
The real question is... Are you going to let that happen?
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