Wednesday, March 30, 2011

WOD 3/30/2011

3 rds:

250 m row
30 wall balls (#20/#14)
15 burpee box jumps

Saturday, March 26, 2011

2011 CF Open Sectionals WOD #1

10 min AMRAP

1) 30 Double Unders
2) 15 Power Snatch (or any way overhead)

*** I did this wod twice and it sucked royaly both times. My second score was better and my official score for the Games is: 5 rds + 25 DU's

Modified 1/2 Murph

For time:

1) 800m Run
2) 50 cal. Row
3) 100 Push ups
4) 150 Air Squats
5) 800m Run

time- 22:00

Thursday, March 24, 2011

3/24 Chipper

For time:

100 Air Squats

75 KB Swings (55#/35#)

50 SDLHP (65#/45#)

40 V-Ups

30 True Push-Ups

20 Pull-Ups

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Annie... Plus a "little" row




Followed by...

A "short" 2000 meter row

Monday, March 21, 2011

A couple of things

First of all, its not too late to sign up for the CrossFit Games Open Sectionals! Its only $10 to sign up and compete against the rest of the CrossFit world, so get on that! Its a whole new level of awesome when you know that the rest of the people signed up for the Games qualifiers are competing alongside you across the world. Pretty special actually if I do say so myself.

Secondly, we will be posting a Paleo Potluck menu soon with a few dishes that are sure to please the palate and the body! Recipes will be included for those of you that want to try out these dishes. Also, please feel free to post your organic and/or paleo recipes on the blog so that we can all enjoy them.

Hope everyone is doing well. Until next post, keep smashing wods Firebreathers!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

3/11 WOD

3 Rounds for time:

15 Push Press (65#/45#)

20 Box Jumps

15 KB Swings (55#/35#)

20 Toes to Bar / 25 V-Ups/ 50 sit-ups

50 Air Squats

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wod "3x Complex"

10 rds for time of:

1) MedBall Complex (3 reps of: medball clean to 2 for 1 wallball)
2) Hang Complex (3 reps of: 1 knees to elbows, 1 toes to bar, 1 pull-up)
3) Kettlebell Complex (1 set of: 3 kb clean and press (right arm), 3 kb swings, 3 kb clean and press (left arm)

*ideally, these complexes should be done unbroken.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


8 rounds for time of:

1) 5 Ring Push-ups
2) 10 Ring Dips
3) 15 Pull-ups
4) 20 Double Unders

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This wod is sort of a team wod format but each athlete keeps track of his/her own personal rep count.

*Person on the GHD is the pace setter. One teammate does 15 GHD sit-ups while the other 2 teammates do max reps of Thrusters (95/65) and Power Snatch (75/55). After GHD is completed, each teammate rotates to a new station until all teammates have completed each station for 1 round.

WOD is 6 rounds for max reps of combined Thrusters and Power Snatch.

This is a tough one, have fun with it!